Corinne Cherek, Ph.D., MBCC

Spiritual & Grief Counseling Practices
Grace from Grief provides:
Grief and Spiritual Counseling for individuals, families, and/or groups experiencing grief, loss, traumatic loss, and/or illness.
Addiction services as it relates to grief, loss, trauma, traumatic loss and/or illness
Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and PostVention/Healing Grief and Trauma from Suicide Loss

Grace from Grief Counseling Focus
Grief and loss can stem from a variety of experiences such as the death of loved ones, loss of self, loss of innocence, personal illnesses, career, home, and the loss of relationships
Our focus is on helping individuals identify the source of their grief and loss
Grief can sometimes be cumulative, compounded and traumatic.
We seek to provide encouragement to identify the emotional pain sournes and express emotions in a healthy manner
This is accomplished by providing a safe and empathetic environment that fosters spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Grace from Grief Client Commitment
Grace from Grief is committed to being there for you throughout your journey, every step of the way.
Our goal is to help you identify, understand, and express your feelings which aids during the grief and mourning process.
In our continued commitment, we provide support and encouragement to help you to heal from the pain and sorrow as you progress forward in life in a healthy and positive direction.
Grace from Grief Outrreach
Sign up for our groups, talks, news, and annoucements
Grief & Spiritual Counseling

Grief and Loss
Grief and loss may evoke some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we will experience at some point in our lives. Depending on the loss, grief can feel different for different people. It can feel as if a tsunami struck your heart, or perhaps a crashing of ocean waves, and yet for others their grief can feel more like that of a gentle rain. Whatever you feel, you feel. Just as we each love in our own way, we grieve in our way. Through individual and/or group support, we are able to help you identify, express, and feel your feelings around grief and loss. Grief can be cumulative as there is no expiration date on grief. As you move through your grief and loss, you find a new perspective, a new normal, experience joy and peace as you move towards acceptance.
Trauma & PTSD
Many individuals experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger following traumatic events. We help you work through these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing. As a Transpersonal Counselor, I whole-heartedly embrace and live this quote by Pema Chodron: "Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It's a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well, can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity."

Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual counseling is beneficial to people who are open and/or willing to discover or deepen their spirituality. Clients are shown how experiences, even in the depths of deep darkness, can lead them to spirituality, connecting or reconnecting with their own innate "inner light compass" irregardless of religious or spiritual belief system(s) or philosophies. Issues are addressed, such as addiction, grief, self-destructive behaviors and patterns, and trauma, which may have prevented you from living and experiencing self-actualization and transcendence in a purpose-driven life. As a proponent of synchronicity, let me say "if you are waiting for a sign this is it!"
About Us

"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people."
- Carl Jung

Dr. Corinne Cherek
Doctorate Degree in Philosophy, Specializing in Transpersonal Counseling - University of Sedona
Masters Degree in Metaphysics - University of Sedona
Bachelors Degree in Psychology - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Master Board Certified Chaplain and Spiritual Counselor - World Spiritual Health Organization
Corinne has created a unique balance of education, experiences, growth, and healing that sets her apart from most.
Corinne addresses the correlation between grief, loss, trauma, traumatic loss and/or illness, and addiction. She does this with a focus on spiritual recovery, empowering hope, encouraging compassion, and self love in support of personal and spiritual transformation.
Spiritual Counseling for groups and individuals are provided, as well as support for clients addressing and experiencing grief, pain, trauma and/or loss, with an emphasis on spiritual connection or re-connection.
Corinne believes that life lessons and challenges can be transformed into gifts and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, that grief can be transformed into grace, and that wounds may be transformed into wisdom.

2019 Magical Snow in Las Vegas Brings the Spirit of Christmas to a Mended Heart!
Snow, like grief, has an energy all its own. The snow fall in Las Vegas (February 2019) brought out laughter and an inner child in me as it did for many others. As a native Nebraskan I said, "Ooh it feels like Christmas!"
It also felt like Christmas when I reached a level of acceptance, unimaginable to me after the unexpected and traumatic deaths of my daughter and granddaughter. I faced the darkest nights of my soul. My heart is now healed and mended, filled with compassion, love, and hope. Determination, personal recovery, optimism, resiliency, tenacity, lots of love and prayers, along with plain old stubbornness (as I did not to want to die from grief) allowed healing, growth, and a peace that surpasses all understanding.
When you are ready and/or willing, I will walk with you, as far and as long as you will allow.
"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
- David Kessler
Contact Us
Due to COVID19, Grace from Grief has adapted service platforms to include the following:
Face to Face sessions in compliance with social distancing guidelines (i.e. masks, hand sanitizer, etc)
Tele-counseling video sessions via
Telephone sessions
*Please note if the Kayenta Legacy lobby is closed, clients will remain in their cars and be escorted in when it is time for their session.

We're Here for You
Please contact us with questions -
Grace from Grief
9402 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89134, USA
(702) 339-4100
Hours - By Appointment Only
Weekend hours available